As I am in India, Good evening viewers! Today, let me say some interesting facts about the temples of Hindus. Clearly, this article is only for knowledge and not to offend any communal beliefs of any individuals or groups. Up to the knowledge of the world, temples are just the places where the people go and worship the god according to their communal beliefs. But, the Hindu temples are not just the places of beliefs and worships. They have some unimaginable science, some great culture and brilliance behind them. Move to the edge of your seats and start reading!
~In the temples of Hindus, some metal spheres can be found at the top of towers over the statues of god. People kept 9 important grains like Rice, Wheat and Paddy etc. in these metal spheres above the temple towers. At the ancient times, there were no dams and the rivers flew without any hurdles. So, even if the flood destroys all the cultivated farm lands, the grains in metal spheres can be used again for cultivation. As the temple towers are very high and strong, flood will not cause any damage to the grains over there.
~Also, these metal spheres act as lightning absorbers! Yes, they absorb the electricity from the lightning and ground them through the towers. This saves the area of almost 10 to 15 miles around the tower (This area depends on the height of the tower) from lightning.
~It is well known that Hinduism has the "Idol worship". Behind this also, there lies a scientific reason. Everyone who read physics in their schooling, know about Resonance. The statues which are in the shape of Human body are kept at the center of the space directly below the high towers. This region is of very high pressure. Some cultural and communal formalities are there in Hinduism to pour Milk, Sandal and many other particles over these Idols frequently. During this period, all the worshippers are asked to stand in the region below the towers (High pressure region). At this time, due to resonance between the human body and the idol, the entire energy of the materials poured on the Idol gets transferred to the people in that region!
~Hindu temples consist of 9 small statues (Navagraham) which denotes the 9 planets of the solar system. It matters as they were built thousands of years ago before the invention of telescopes!
~The temples also generate a high degree of positive vibrations and provide great concentration. So, the ancient Hindu saints used temples as their meditation spots!
~The temples were used to hide the secrets through stone scripts and sculptures. Ancient kings used temples as the medium to communicate with their younger generations to tell about the treasures of their period buried somewhere in their country to protect it from the burglars!
~Temples also have secret underground passages which the Hindu kings used to travel to some other places during the times of war!
~Temples were also considered as the civil and cultural prestige of the kingdom. So, the Kings spent most of their wealth to build and maintain temple!
Some Existing Examples:
~Pragadheeshwara temple at Tanjore, Tamilnadu, India was built thousand years ago by king Rajaraja chola. It was built such that, the statue of the temple tower does not falls on the land!
~Saneeshwarar (Saturn God) temple at Thirunellar, Tamilnadu, India was built several hundreds of years ago at the place where the radiation of Saturn falls directly on the earth. It was found only few years ago as a NASA satellite stopped a moment directly above the tower of Saneeshwarar temple!
~It has been said that, the statue of lord Shiva (Sivalingam) at the Pragaladhanadhar temple in India remained at some height above the ground (Hanging without any support) until the entry of King Gajini mohammed!
Many facts are still undiscovered about the temples. Knowing about them make us to amaze and no words to explain the brilliance of our ancestors!
See you tomorrow with another useful post. Have a great time!
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